By Doug Dunn I am finding relating to neighbours is taking on a new form with the constraint of separation. This morning it seemed so easy to knock on my neighbour’s door and invite Lisa for a second coffee at the bottom of my garden. Last time, it was sunny and we chatted for an hour at separate ends of my garden table. She gave me some useful tips about pruning a cherry tree and vigorously trimming lavender bushes. This time it started to rain so the conversation was brief but we had time for a coffee and croissant. We talked again about repainting my white garden fence and she kindly lent me her power hose to help clean off the moss. I am now planning to repaint the fence over the weekend as we were expecting dry weather. I’ve also discovered that we have things in common, both with 26 year old daughters and that we enjoy playing bridge, bird watching and walking. She told me she has experience with handling falcons. I forgot to tell her I went on the...