THE RESURRECTION - by Elston Ruddock

A polemic on fake news. Based on a true story. (v0.9, May 8th 2020)

{Phone rings; Denny picks up.}

DENNY:   Hello?

DAD:        Hello Denny

DENNY:   Hey old man. How you doing now? You good?

DAD:        Me? I'm fine Son. You alright?

DENNY:   What? Since you told me?

How could I be, Dad?
The girls never see me crying.
You of all people understand that.
But I haven't really stopped since this morning.

DAD:        Look Denny - I really shouldn't have said what I said...

DENNY:   Man it's not your fault. I get it.
Couldn't have been easy for you either.
But better it came from you, than anyone else.

I still can't believe it!
None of us can.

The girls are upset as well. 
Not exactly great news for Easter.

She used to take them everywhere when they were little.

God knows why, but somehow I thought I could
take my mind off it by going online for a bit.

BIG mistake!

I ended up arguing with some random idiot about fake news - till I realised
"Hang on! I'm the idiot - for getting involved in the first place!"
Two idiots. From different continents. And a worldview apart.

Dad there's so much of it going around. Especially since lockdown.
You wouldn't believe what BS people are willing to pass on to others.
Without even checking their bloody facts first.

DAD:        Son...

DENNY:   Now they're even saying the virus was started by 5G, for fuck's sake!

DAD:        Five what?

DENNY:   Oh... its… Forget it.
Sorry for the language, Pops.
I... I'm just frustrated I suppose.
I didn't even get to say goodbye. 
Not even that.

DAD:        There's no need...

DENNY:   I know Dad, but... (sniff)
I just wish I could have told her how much she means to me.

Meant to me! Meant! 
God! I have to talk about her in the past tense now!

DAD:        Denny I was...

DENNY:   You know why I love the name Denny so much?
She gave me that name.
Most people don't even know my real name. 
I've always hated Desmond! No offence.

DAD:        Well actually, Desmond was your mother's choice, but now isn't the...

DENNY:   Even people at work call me Denny. 
I should’ve changed it by deed poll, by now.

And that's all because of Aunt Jeanie.
She knew exactly what my name should have been. Heh.

Now she's... Gone?

DAD:        Not really... I...

DENNY:   Not really? What ya gonna say? 
She'll live on in our hearts? She'll always be with us in spirit?

I tried telling the girls that, but I don't believe it myself

It's not the same.
Our memories are gonna fade and die too.
There's no afterlife.
And she's never coming back. Ever.

I just feel numb, Dad. Like it's not real
Like... you know... she could just knock the door any minute.
Or the phone’s gonna ring, and it will be her,
saying "Hello, my dear!"

Oh God! I feel so guilty right now. 
I meant to call her, but I kept putting it off. 
It was never convenient; always something in the way.
But I never thought for a moment she might be in trouble?

I suppose that's what it's like to take someone for granted.
You just assume they're gonna be around.
Tomorrow. Next week. Next year. Forever.
And you can just pick up again - right where you left off.

But when the virus took Arisha it really made me think...
Tomorrow was never promised to any one of us;
all we have... ALL we have... is now.

I really did take her for granted Dad.
I see it now. Clear as day.

I did it with Mum.
I mean I was much younger then, but I'm still doing it with you now! 
I'm sorry Dad. I'm so sorry...

God I wish I could talk to Aunt Jeanie right now.
All the things I never said...

DAD:        Well if you want to you still can...

DENNY:   Aww no man! Come on! Not nowww?
Really Dad? You did this when Mum died.
Praying is never going to bring her back.

First Arisha drops, then Uncle Ferdi, now Aunt Jeanie?

WHY? That's what I want to know. Why them?

If anything proves God doesn't exist - that's it, right there.
And, short of a resurrection, nothing's gonna change my mind.
So please don't start. Not now. ‘kay?

You said you didn’t know how she died. 
Have they told you yet?

DAD:        No they couldn't, because...

DENNY:   Yeah it's still early days I suppose.
Takes time to get the Coroner's report.
Might as well call it the Corona's report these days, and be done with it.

You have a stroke? It's the 'rona.
Got a headache? It's the 'rona.
Cut finger? It's the 'rona!

Everyone's dying of the fuckin Rona - even when they're not!

The doctors are in on it as well you know? Misdiagnosing people.
Well - that's what I heard, but I can't keep up.

It's hard to tell what's real these days - especially since Disinfectant Don got in.
All these lies, going unchecked!
Everyone at each other's throats; defending the indefensible...
The World's turning to shit, Dad. Trust me.

But at least we've got family... Right?
I mean: if you can't trust your family - who can you trust?
Right Dad?

Sorry - I went off on one again.
I'm back now.

Did she even have any symptoms?
What about Uncle Milo? How’s he taking it?

You know what? God! I didn't even ask
How is he?

I've been ringing around, telling everyone the news.
And never even stopped to think what hell he must be going through!

DAD:        Denny he's fine, but I've got to tell you something...

DENNY:   Jeezus Pops - what next? Is he alright? 
Was he infected as well?

DAD:        Not exactly...

DENNY:   What do you mean not exactly?

Well? Let's hear it! What do you mean? 


DAD?... You okay?

Oh nooo! Oh man! I just realised!
I'm so sorry!

Jeez! I'm not even thinking straight!
Your only sister - it must have hit YOU as well... HARD!

Jesus, I'm so selfish. Are you alright Dad? 
Are you okay?

DAD:        Denny I'm FINE! 
Look… Brian called me first thing. Right?

DENNY:   Yeah?

DAD:        Because Reena phoned him, and told him.

DENNY:   Yeah?

DAD:        So I called you.

DENNY:   Dad - where's this going?

DAD:        I've been trying to tell you Denny: Jeanie's... Alive.

DENNY:   She's alive?

DAD:        Yes

DENNY:   How do you mean?

DAD:        She's not dead

DENNY:   She's alive then?

DAD:        Yea- Look: Drop the dead parrot.

DENNY:   Okay sorry, sorry, but... who told you this time?
How do you know it's not just another rumour?
Some more... bloody fake news?

DAD:        I just spoke to her.

DENNY:   How? How did you speak to her? 
In your prayers? In one of your dreams? Through the holy spiri...

DAD:        On the phone.

DENNY:   What? Just now?

DAD:        (sigh) Yep

DENNY:   Sorry... Wait… What?... Okay - back up...
I don't understand... 
So... why’s everyone saying she's dead?
How did that news come out? 
Did something else happen to her?

DAD:        Nothing.

DENNY:   Nothing at all?

DAD:        Not a thing. She's fine. 
She just called to see if I've been okay since the lockdown, 
and if I needed anything.
She asked about you as well.

DENNY:   So let me get this… 
SHE was calling - from the dead - to see if YOU'RE alright?

DAD:        Denny - that's not funny.

DENNY:   Sorry... what did you say to her?

DAD:        I said I needed to sit down.

DENNY:   I bet!

Well that's good news, I suppose!

DAD:        You suppose?

DENNY:   We-ell… it's also bad news, innit? 
I mean - I just called everyone I know!

DAD:        DESMOND!

DENNY:   Well? You know I'm gonna have to call every last one of them - again?
AND tell them I'VE been spreading ‘fake nooze’? 


I’m not gonna hear the end of it!

DAD:        Yes, Denny. I'm painfully aware. Nor will I.

You could make that call you so desperately wanted.

DENNY:   Speak to her?
What... Now?
What would I even say?

DAD:        Well... You wanted to say goodbye. You could start with hello.

DENNY:   Nah - I can't be doing that right now?
One minute she's gone; next minute she's back again?
That's a double headf...

Look - you said she's okay. I don't need to speak to her right away.
I will call her! Let me call her uh... tomorrow.

DAD:        Tomorrow? Really? After everything you just said?

DENNY:   I'll call her tomorrow Dad. I will.

DAD:        Sounds like fake grief, to me.

DENNY:   What? I didn’t hear what you…

DAD:        Nothing.

DENNY:   What does she know about the rumour? 
Did you tell her she's supposed to be dead?

DAD:        What??
No no no no… 
I couldn't do that!

DENNY:   Why?

DAD:        And give her a heart attack?...

Besides: When she finds out, she'll probably crucify me!...

~~ THE END ~~

(C) 2020 Elston G. Ruddock
All rights reserved, worldwide.

With profound gratitude 
to David, Mista Man, and Kate 
for their insights.


  1. I loved reading this conversation. Very funny and authentic. I like way Dad Is trying to give good news while Dan more interested in hearing fake news.

    1. Thank you! Your encouragement means a lot to this beginner :) E.

    2. I like it a lot. I feel like it's a mircososm of what will happen after the lockdown is lifted. Life will go back to business as usual. All the lessons learned will be forgotten if we dont make strong efforts.

    3. Precisely! More than that, it's in our nature to 'return to type': almost a safe space; sanctuary; home. That's why there will be enormous pressure to get back to normal - despite what we've witnessed and experienced in this 'serendipitous social experiment'.

  2. It will take a lot to interrupt the way we live our lives. We fall back on old ways of being and speaking. And we get what we settle for.

  3. A great piece, Elston. Kept me hooked until the end. Poor Dad couldn't get a word in edgeways! You said it's based on a true story. Did Denny every get to speak to Auntie Jeanie after all?

  4. nice one Elston, very engaging, authentic and funny, evokes so many emotions, it is a roller coaster of a piece

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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