THE SECOND SHADOW I stopped writing for a while and watched As the world started to believe itself better, Adapting itself to a normal, or variant of, Lizard like. Shedding a warped, older skin For scales unknown to flesh itself, or to justice, While suddenly foregoing a balance that no prize Or pigment could ever truly justify , or make right. I have worked, been away, and considered the acid Changes in others, from masks to mayhem as we Stumble and slide far from sense. People seem More different each day; Coronic Body Snatchers; Successfully slowed, even slyer, as if enforced Distance had managed to somehow reshape, Or strengthen, or even reinvent past pretence. The illness has engendered a void in which fell Both purpose and direction, as we take up the reins Of wild horses, who may bolt and cast us off, as death Looms. Or rather, mask all the more, as I certainly Can’t breathe while I wear them - on an empty train, Or, ...