Walking in the street yesterday, a man and his wife
Near pushed themselves into a wall to avoid me,
Doubling back, I observed them do the same thing
To a boy on a bike passing by. It wasn’t the movement
So much, as the attitude that informed them. ’If you want
To avoid others,’ I countered while passing, ‘wear a mask!’
Only to hear his mocking and passive aggressive
‘Have a nice day!’ in reply. Such are the wars we now
Fight, and not just with the climate. For the true divisions
Have opened, as if you could incur some form of paper
Cut on your soul. People have proved themselves thin
Despite the pressing weight of precaution, where everyone
Outside of your – what used to be called circle, now bubble –
Are potential threats, not of Covid, but to what the seeming
Status Quo tries to hold. Which is exactly what, two weeks
On, as we ease ourselves backwards into freedom?
Filling the shops while maintaining predestined exit routes
Across floors, which are as meaningless as the laws,
That resemble the drafts of bad poems; blank verse free
From both rhyme, or reason, which as soon as its written
Gives life to nothing, not even a phantom, or at the very
Best, pregnant pause. Life has become premature,
As what was once cultivated has been given up for adoption
In some parallel universe, where perhaps another breed
Of people will have learned how to live and trust one
Another and where, God knows, they are guided towards
A well-formed cause, free from curse. However, here,
I smell Hex; the pill in the pint lager covers, or the tincture
Within whiskey, or, vodka version, or possible germ in the gin,
That none can detect but which is distilling inside a new
Flavour, and changing the texture: for as blood colours
Thought, rage begins. That couples’ continued flinch
On the street is just one example. Another is the wary
Eye we’re unpeeling as we Cyclops or walk side by side,
Or, sit on empty trains caged by masks while few outside
Care to wear them, and time itself becomes mongrel,
Mixed messages blurring each new day we’re birthing
While the old lay untended and still falling prey, fail
And die. What are we avoiding, and why? These are
The questions. Is it perhaps the true fate we fear coming,
As a Summer is sanctioned before the Winter cold seals
Once more? Or, some greater fear, that we may never
Again, be the drummer of the special rhythm we cherished
And which saw us marching out and past our locked doors?
I think of that couples flinch even now and in their step
I have measured the continued distance of people
And the oceans that swell between friends. Needing company,
I talked to one last night, and he mentioned a mental list
He was making of those he could no longer trust
And those he felt close to and for whom, both eyes open
That self-same love and sense of trust could defend.
Do the apples fall where they may? Or was Isaac Newton
Always the target? Has there always in fact been a market
In which our fast descent was declared? For just as Gravity
Pulls, our own gravitas falls relinquished, as we recover
From the striking of an invisible hand in the air. That very slap
Saw us slump, but now we scale the wall, bruised and bracing
For the next unseen challenge that we may not know
How to fight. We are already practising on ourselves,
As anxiety sets us racing towards a finish line on a minefield,
Or, on dark water, which may only absorb once prized light.
And yet, we still swim, despite fears of drowning. We leave
Our homes to recapture what we had before on the beach.
We honour the sun, without knowing what its eventual
Glare may deliver, and retrain our hands for a touching
Which may yet remain out of reach. We are feeling
The future like Braille, without ostensibly being blinded
Unsure of the ascents at our fingers, and unschooled
In each small peak and trough. The ground may give way,
But still we carry on walking. And yet I do fear our Guide
Dog. For unlike those Labradors, it’s our politicians,
And neighbours who should breathe and walk now
Beside us, healing a world torn asunder by the weapons
In wind, word and cough. The answer is there. We just
Need to ask a fresh question. Only when we do comes
Communion, and a clearing path through this darkness.
Then we may all walk on water; Gods grown in our
Image, seeding life in deep oceans as well as ensuring
That the touch we’ve all longed for is once more
Returned to the soft.
David Erdos July 16th 2020
For more poems from David Erdos visit The Corona Diaries collection
David Erdos is an actor, writer, director with over 300 professional credits. He is a published poet, playwright, essayist and illustrator. He has lectured on all disciplines in theatre and film for leading performing arts colleges, schools and universities around the world. His books include EASY VERSES FOR DIFFICULT TIMES, THE SCAR ON THE CLOUD, OIL ON SILVER, NEWS FROM MARS, CHANGING PLACES WITH LIGHT (penniless press) and BYZANTIUM with the photographer Max Reeves. He is a contributing editor for The International Times and maker of documentaries all over the world. David’s work has been acclaimed by many leading figures including Harold Pinter, Heathcote Williams, Alan Moore, Andrew Kotting, Chris Petit and Iain Sinclair in whose recent book THE LAST LONDON, David features. He can be reached at
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David Erdos
© David Erdos has asserted his moral rights as author of his work and has full copyright.
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