SOUL AS SONNET by David Erdos - Poem 5 from AT THE GATES




After getting the year wrong before, mistaking the month's

An improvement. As the days of discombobulation continue

The increasing destabilisation take hold. Even even ground

Earthquakes in as we lose the outside space and our purpose


And I stand holding onto the window, betrayed still by sunlight

Which either hardens or melts into cold. Life has surely become

Ice cream now, through which we taste the life we remember,

Gifted perhaps by a mother, or father, or a partner in time


No clock saves. So my mistake proves a point: chiefly that I am

Doing what I can to move backwards, turning these words into water,

Wept like soiled streams from this cave - to the unreachable caverns


We chart across a charred dreamscape. And where a month of sad

Anniversaries loses itself within language, that is actively breaking

Each moment. As I and you stumble, we hope for return. Is that brave?



David Erdos February 2021


For more poems from David Erdos visit The Corona Diaries collection 

David Erdos is an actor, writer, director with over 300 professional credits. He is a published poet, playwright, essayist and illustrator. He has lectured on all disciplines in theatre and film for leading performing arts colleges, schools and universities around the world. His books include EASY VERSES FOR DIFFICULT TIMES, THE SCAR ON THE CLOUD, OIL ON SILVER, NEWS FROM MARS, CHANGING PLACES WITH LIGHT (penniless press) and BYZANTIUM with the photographer Max Reeves. He is a contributing editor for The International Times and maker of documentaries all over the world. David’s work has been acclaimed by many leading figures including Harold Pinter, Heathcote Williams, Alan Moore, Andrew Kotting, Chris Petit and Iain Sinclair in whose recent book THE LAST LONDON, David features. He can be reached at

David Erdos

©    David Erdos has asserted his moral rights as author of his work and has full copyright.


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